Video Production Diary 2: INDIA!

 The second Production Diary for Aladdin 3477 has just been released! This time, Writer/Director Matt Busch and Producer/Visual Choreographer Lin Zy take you to the other side of the world, Location Scouting in India!

1 Cobra, 2 Elephants, and an army of Monkeys later, Matt and Lin Zy survived and have the adventures in Agra, Jaipur, New and Old Delhi documented to share with you. Check out the new video below!

India served as 1/5 of the countries the filmmaking duo scouted while globe trotting for the movie. According to Busch, while the movie will take place in many locales around the world (though mostly in Asian countries), about half of the movie’s duration takes place in India… 1,500 years in the future, of course.

According to Busch, while the movie will take place in many locales around the world (though mostly in Asian countries), about half of the movie’s duration takes place in India… 1,500 years in the future, of course.

In the mean time, pre-production on Aladdin 3477 is moving forward at a propelling rate. Expect new updates on all fronts coming soon!  As well, more production diaries, including Matt and Lin Zy’s adventures in Thailand, Cambodia, China and Hong Kong!


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