With the official website now launched, Aladdin 3477 is a go, and excitement is in the air with all who are involved.  Please pardon the dust as last-minute construction is still happening.

A movie having an official site this early in the preproduction stages may seem a little odd, but the intent here is to have a driving interactive hub for all involved and all who are interested in each step of the way.  Sure, it’s meant to rev up hype, but the journey is its own reward, and so sharing that throughout the process is valuable documentation before, during, and after the movie is complete.

In addition to the regular news and media you’d come to expect from a movie site, the crew here is hoping to go above and beyond with Aladdin 3477.

Writer / director Matt Busch comments, “I love seeing productions come together from a fan’s point of view.  In particular, the video production diaries that Peter Jackson makes for his movies (Lord of the Rings, King Kong) are fascinating.  In addition to get folks excited, you also gain a sense of appreciation for all that’s going into the production.  I’d love to be able to utilize some of that with Aladdin 3477.”

So stay tuned for some incredible content and sneak peeks at this epic spin on the classic tale.  Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter as well!


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