World Location Shooting: Round 2

While Aladdin 3477 Director Matt Busch and Producer Lin Zy did some serious globe trotting during the winter of 2012 / 2013, a new world journey is underway to pick up shots throughout Europe this summer. Says Busch, “The big journey was India and Asia. That’s the bulk of where the movie takes place, so that trip was fantastic in terms of inspiration, scope, and nabbing some key shots used in the film.”

However, both Busch and Lin Zy were invited as special guest artists to this summer’s Star Wars Celebration Europe II in Essen Germany, bringing in a new opportunity to do more location shooting overseas. “There are actually a few quick scenes that take place in Germany, believe it or not,” comments Busch, “so actually shooting there is perfect.”

In addition to shooting in Germany, Producer Lin Zy will be touring Italy, Greece, and Turkey to grab quick world shots to help round out the futuristic global adventure. Busch will join in Germany, and the duo will also be shooting mountainous aerial shots in Switzerland.

“There’s a big difference with this world location shoot than the last one.” adds Busch. “Before, the script wasn’t completed, so a lot of the key elements were inspired by what we saw and shot. This time, the story is locked and we know exactly what we want. I’m confident we’ll find it.”

Currently, Busch is making tweaks on the third draft of the Aladdin 3477 script and continuing to produce concept art and storyboards. The team is also scouting commercial facilities in SouthEastern Michigan to start building sets.  The cameras are expected to roll in Summer of 2014!

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